Find Your Path

Never get lost in your work again


Sitting hour after hour in a classroom listening to an instructor drone on didn’t stop after school. It still happens in the corporate world, a lot. If you are lucky, you may have been able to take an online course which, unfortunately, was just as dry. Then you go back to your job, and ask yourself,
"What do I do now?"

It’s time to disrupt corporate training and we are doing that with a little engagement and humor.

Microsoft Application

Regardless of skill level, we'll train your team and increase efficiencey with the most respected tools of the trade.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Outlook

Adobe Application

Unlock your design potential with Adobe's Creative Suite. From Design Basics to Advanced Techniques, let's get your creative juices flowing.

Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Dreamweaver


Need more functionality than what you get out of the box? Our trainers will teach your team the skill to extend your capabilites through programming.

Basic and Advanced Programming Skills

Programmatic Approach

Microsoft Excel Macros (VBA)

Microsoft Sharepoint

Open Lab Days

Project and Team Management

For new and veteran Project Managers alike, our Project Management courses cover a wide spectrum of training to give you the confidence to effectively lead your team.

Project Management Skills

Project Scheduling


Multi Day Boot Camps
Time Management

Meeting Management

Leadership Workshops

Team Building

corporate training sucks

... said no one who's ever taken one of our classes

Zero to Hero

You only retain 12% of what you learn in traditional classes. If you don't use the skills very quickly, you will forget it very quickly.
That's why we assess your exact needs, tailor the training, and provide ongoing support afterwards.

Each of your employee’s receive personalized training tailored their individual, department, and company needs plus we provide support for as long as they need it afterwards. What happens after a training session is just as important as the actual instruction itself.


“When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

It is imperative to understand the true problems before the class begins to create a customized class but also to assess the situation after to ensure maximum ROI. We provide pre-course assessments before we teach a class to ensure that you receive the precise hands-on eduction that you and your team need.

Tailored Training

Paper map or google maps? We are your interactive google map that guides you along your course, providing corrections, and responsiveness to get you to your destination.

Using real-world experience, examples, and a bit of humour to help learn and retain the knowledge. Our goal is to have every student become a guru; transferring learned skills to other co-workers. That is why we develop custom courses just for your specific needs.

Do you need training outside of Alberta? We go where you are, no matter how far or how remote.


Like any great fitness instructor who incorporates stretching afterwards, we do the same. Once you take one of our classes, we are there for ongoing support for as long as you need it to ensure you know how to apply what you have learned to your specific needs.

We won’t leave you out in the cold. We can provide Lab Days where we set up shop in a board room and your employees can come to us with their most burning issues.


Coffee's Drunk


Crises Averted


Happy Clients


New Ideas

Why we are good

We know our stuff
We actually use this stuff
We aren't boring
We give you confidence

Training Experience? Real Experience? You Bet!

As part of The Bluepath Group, which offers Project Management and Application Development services, our instructors not only teach but also actively use the tools in the real world. We know, through first hand experience, the best tips, tricks, and methods to apply the knowledge to your actual situation.

It is our job to make you an application ninja.

31 Years

34 Years
Application Development

22 Years
Project Management

24 Years
Strategic Planning